Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Pineapple jalapeño - The craziest sounding, most awesome tasting secondferment Kombucha to date!

Pineapple jalapeño - The craziest sounding, most awesome tasting second ferment Kombucha to date!

This kombucha recipe came about through a lacto-fermented pineapple with jalapeños recipe from oh, lardy!.   If you would like to read my post about the lacto-fermented pineapple, please click here.
I'm here to tell you, that these fermented pineapples or one of my absolute favorite treats! It is really the only way that I'm getting fermented food into my diet right now. I have actually eaten so much of the pineapple that I burned my tongue. 
It's that good. So you should absolutely try them, but I digress...
Pineapple jalapeño - The craziest sounding, most awesome tasting second ferment Kombucha to date!

After having the awesomeness that is the pineapple I started to wonder if I could translate that into a drinkable beverage and, of course, I went directly to kombucha as my base. The complex flavor and sourness from the fermentation of the tea gave the drink the same indescribable combination of flavors that I talk about in my post on the lacto-fermented pineapple with jalapeños. It's a flavor that hits all five of the Chinese Five Spice Doctrime flavors. It is a completely complex, full, and well-rounded flavor. As a drink, it is hard to nail down exactly what ingredients are used to make this particular flavor, but it's really amazing.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

That time when I geeked out at The Scarefest Convention

And now for something completely different...

Peeking out of door 221B Baker Street  Sherlock Holmes

And yes, I am stepping out of 221B Baker Street. Awesome-sauce. 

This past weekend I went to my first con in 20 years, I'm sad to say. I have been missing a lot! The Con I attended was The ScareFest. While I am no longer a huge horror movie fan, I still love the classics and love dark yet beautiful creations, so I thought this might be fun.
Queen Mab steps out of 221B Baker Street  Sherlock Holmes

Sunday, September 13, 2015

How to start a Kombucha business. Part 1 budgeting

I am so in love with kombucha and enjoy the health benefits and the actual labor of making it, that I've decided to pursue it as a business venture. At first I was thinking of lofty dreams of having my own computer/coffee/Ice cream/art supply shop in lounge. As you can imagine this would be extremely complicated, but I never tend to do things easy, as my husband can attest.

I am making a conscious effort this time to start small and work my way up to the ideal community center with awesome beverages and snacks and art materials.  

The best way I see you to do this is to start with a conviction on tap tricycle. They are just cute as can me and very portable and all around A more practical start then a full on shop or a food truck.

I have hundreds of things to figure out:   Everything from how to convert my regular homemade kombucha to kombucha that is kept in containers to go on tap, to branding and marketing my new lineup. I just have to figure out how this whole process works. 

I will share with you my learning process as I get ready to open my business in the spring. Maybe it'll save you some steps in learning how to open your own trike business!  

My first step was to find a insulated crate tricycle manufacturer that would also put beverages on tap.  Right now I'm looking at Icicle Tricycles.  I asked for a quote from them and they responded within a day with various options and addition information and links to help me learn more about starting my own business.  They even said that they would answer any other business related questions, as they run a fleet of trikes in their area.  So far, I'm very pleased with their service.  I could jut tell from the tone of their response that they are passionate about it!

I just love this concept! I may even dress like that when peddling my wares. (See what I did right there? Ha ha!)

I will update you as I get pricing, state and county codes that I have to meet, and equipment needed.  Hopefully, we can figure this out together. 

Are you doing this?  If so, I'd love some tips!