Friday, August 14, 2015

Grape Ape Kombucha - Easiest Second Ferment Ever!

Concord Grape Kombucha after Second Ferment
We all get set in our ways.
For instance, I always use fresh or frozen organic fruit in my kombucha. 
Maybe this has turned me into a bit of a kombucha snob, because when someone suggested using store bought juice in the second ferment of kombucha on a thread on Facebook, I visibly cringed. And the flavor combination just sounded nasty!
But, I thought, "as much as I'm making, I can take a quart and try it out.".  What she was suggesting was using concord grape juice in the second fermentation.

It took me two weeks to actually to experiment with it. This morning I tasted my first batch and it was really good, much to my surprise!

This is a really, really kid friendly kombucha. 
It tastes a lot like grape soda. 
The grape juice overpowers most of the kombucha tea flavor. So, especially if you have someone in your household that you have not yet been able to convert to kombucha, eh hrmm, my husband, this might be a great recipe for them. 
Concord Grape Kombucha after Second Ferment

It's so easy to make that it doesn't even warrant a recipe, per se.

But, just so you know, here it is:


 Grape Ape Kombucha

What'cha need:
  • Kombucha tea that has already gone through the first ferment
  • Grape juice (1/4 cup per quart)
That's it!

What'cha do:
  • Poor a quarter of a cup of grape juice into a 1 quart mason jar.  
  • Fill the quart jar up the rest of the way with kombucha has gone through the first ferment. 
  • Seal with a mason jar lid. 
  • Let sit on the counter, out of direct sunlight for two days. 
  • You may need to burp the jars at the end day one to avoid an explosion when you open it. The more sugary the items are that you put into your second fermentation, the more carbon dioxide gas is formed from the yeast converting the sugar. That provides for a lovely, bubbly, drink, but it can also cause overflow when you open the jar at the end of the second ferment. In extreme cases, the jars have actually exploded due to the pressure caused by the release of carbon dioxide from the yeast. (I have yet to have this happen. But I've heard stories.)
  • You can either put the bottle directly into the refrigerator after two days (and burping), or you can strain and re-bottle at this time.  Then refrigerate.
See the lovely bubbles!  Concord Grape Kombucha after Second Ferment
To find directions on doing your first fermentation, click here.

For a list of equipment that comes in handy to continue to brew kombucha, click here.

There are links to even more information and more recipes on the Kombucha page.

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